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CaniVIZ Free

2 big stars
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Name: CaniVIZ Free
Works on: windowsWindows 7 and above
Developer: Andéor, SAS
Version: 1
Last Updated: 26 Feb 2017
Release: 26 Apr 2010
Category: Multimedia > Graphic
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CaniVIZ Free Details

Works on: Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows 2012
SHA1 Hash: 8e73c3150defd2b400fb91caedf326504a729160
Size: 5 MB
File Format: exe
Rating: 2.478260869 out of 5 based on 23 user ratings
Downloads: 275
License: Free
CaniVIZ Free is a free software by Andéor, SAS and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 2012.
You can download CaniVIZ Free which is 5 MB in size and belongs to the software category Graphic.
CaniVIZ Free was released on 2010-04-26 and last updated on our database on 2017-02-26 and is currently at version 1.
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CaniVIZ Free Description

CaniVIZ Free is an application that permits you to open and view CAD 3D models. It offers support for 3D CaniVIZ (VIZ), 3D CaniVIZ mobile (MOB), 3D Strudio (3DS, DS), ASCII 3D Bitmap (ASC, PTS), BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, STL, TGA, XPM and OBJ file types.
The utility is equipped with an advanced rendering engine capable of handling a million polygons, and it contains tools to optimize scene rendering, such as scene degradation and compilation, along with back-culling.

Hassle-free installer and user-friendly GUI

The setup operation is quick and shouldn't give you any trouble. The program is wrapped in a user-friendly interface represented by a normal window with a neatly organized structure, where you can get started by opening a CAD model.

Open and edit CAD 3D models

It's possible to switch to full screen mode, pan, rotate, stretch or flip the drawing (horizontally or vertically), copy the model to the Clipboard, convert it to color, grayscale or black and white, adjust the lightness and contrast, as well as tweak the RGB levels.
Furthermore, you can disable sound (if it exists), switch to another GUI language, open recently accessed files, as well as revert all preferences to their default values. Software updates can be automatically verified at startup if you enable this option.

Evaluation and conclusion

Although it hasn't received updates for a considerable amount of time, CaniVIZ Free worked well on newer Windows editions in our tests, without causing the operating system to hang, crash or prompt error messages.
It used a low amount of CPU and memory, so it didn't hamper the computer's performance. Thanks to its intuitive interface and advanced options, CaniVIZ Free should meet the requirements of most users looking for a straightforward CAD 3D model viewer with basic editing options.

CaniVIZ Free Screenshots

CaniVIZ Free screenshot 1
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