Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language icon

Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language

2 big stars
Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language screenshot
Name: Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language
Works on: windowsWindows 7 and above
Developer: Microsoft
Version: 2013
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2017
Release: 10 May 2013
Category: Office tools > Other Office Tools
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Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language Details

Works on: Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows 2012
File Format: exe

SHA1 Hash 32bit version: a8d7024a7010f9a2d326a4cec8ff0c383cfc531b
Size 32bit version: 1.64 MB

SHA1 Hash 64bit version: 3fd09931dcc45f6623c79be36d256d61ce11fc9c
Size 64bit version: 1.66 MB

Rating: 2.391304347 out of 5 based on 23 user ratings
Downloads: 268
License: Free
Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language is a free software by Microsoft and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 2012.
You can download Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language which is 1.64 MB in size and belongs to the software category Other Office Tools.
Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language was released on 2013-05-10 and last updated on our database on 2017-03-28 and is currently at version 2013.
We also have Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language 64bit version which is 1.66 MB in size and will work on x64 computers.
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Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language Description

Change the ScreenTip language to show translations of display elements – such as buttons, menus and dialog boxes – in another language and help users navigate Microsoft Office applications installed in a language they do not understand.
Some usage scenario examples are:
· Bi-lingual and multi-lingual language assistance
· Help Engineers can extend support for languages they do not understand
· Users that temporarily use Office in a foreign language or for a temporary period of time (Roaming users)
· Shared PC language usage
Microsoft Office ScreenTip Language will help users view the text for various elements of the interface in a different language.
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