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Muce Removal Tool

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Name: Muce Removal Tool
Works on: windowsWindows 7 and above
Developer: Bitdefender LLC
Version: 1
Last Updated: 27 Feb 2017
Release: 03 Aug 2010
Category: Antivirus > Removal Tools
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Muce Removal Tool Details

Works on: Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows 2012
SHA1 Hash: b64ef2112ee8455fc29bbac920d65b40d7bce8a2
Size: 59.9 KB
File Format: exe
Rating: 2.565217391 out of 5 based on 23 user ratings
Downloads: 1033
License: Free
Muce Removal Tool is a free software by Bitdefender LLC and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows 2012.
You can download Muce Removal Tool which is 59.9 KB in size and belongs to the software category Removal Tools.
Muce Removal Tool was released on 2010-08-03 and last updated on our database on 2017-02-27 and is currently at version 1.
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Muce Removal Tool Description

Muce Removal Tool is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you scan your computer and erase the Win32.Muce.A virus. The tool is developed by Bitdefender in order to provide a simple solution to get rid of this particular worm. It can be deployed on all Windows versions out there.
The Win32.Muce.A virus is written in Borland C++ and is able to look for executable files on the current drives (from C to Z and even mapped drives). The virus attaches its code to other files on your PC or network, making some of the infected programs to not work properly.
The virus may alter your system settings, remove critical files, spread spyware, adware, and malware on the infected computer, record your browsing history and steal personal information, as well as display popup alerts.

Portable running mode

You can store Muce Removal Tool on pen drives or other portable devices so you can carry it with you all the time. Plus, you may run it without having to go through an installation process. A simple double-click on the executable file is sufficient for gaining access to the tool’s interface.

Automatic scan mode

As soon as you run it, Muce Removal Tool automatically starts scanning your system for Win32.Muce.A infections. At the end of the process it reveals information about the scanned files and status.
What’s more, you are allowed to manually trigger a new scan and select the path that you want to process. The time needed to complete the task pretty much depends on the number of files stored in your system and their size.
Muce Removal Tool is not a resource hog so you do not have to worry that it affects the overall performance of your computer.

Final observations

To sum things up, Muce Removal Tool provides a simple software solution for helping you detect and remove the Win32.Muce.A virus from your system. It can be handled by beginners and professionals alike. For a complete shield against all sorts of viruses and real-time protection against the latest threats, you still need to have an antivirus software solution installed on your system.

Muce Removal Tool Screenshots

Muce Removal Tool screenshot 1
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