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Directory Opus

2 big stars
Directory Opus screenshot
Name: Directory Opus
Works on: windowsWindows XP and above
Developer: GPSoftware
Version: 12.6
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2017
Release: 21 Apr 2017
Category: File managers
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Directory Opus Details

Works on: Windows 10 | Windows 8.1 | Windows 8 | Windows 7 | Windows XP | Windows 2000 | Windows 2003 | Windows 2008 | Windows Vista | Windows 2012
SHA1 Hash: ef5ea34df5b4c715f050b22ce6edd87a92301017
Size: 55.22 MB
File Format: exe
Rating: 2.434782608 out of 5 based on 23 user ratings
Publisher Website: External Link
Downloads: 3113
License: Demo / Trial Version
Directory Opus is a demo software by GPSoftware and works on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows 2008, Windows Vista, Windows 2012.
You can download Directory Opus which is 55.22 MB in size and belongs to the software category File managers.
Directory Opus was released on 2017-04-21 and last updated on our database on 2017-06-13 and is currently at version 12.6.
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Directory Opus Description

  • Ease of use:
  • As far as possible, Opus works just like Explorer does. You don't have to learn any complicated scripting or non-standard mouse techniques to use Opus. If you've ever used Explorer to copy a file, you already know exactly how to do it in Opus as well.
  • Configurability:
  • We believe in the user's right to choose how their computer operates. You'll find that almost every aspect of Opus can be changed - from the buttons on the toolbar to the color used to draw the background of a compressed file. Of course you don't have to configure anything if you don't want to - "out of the box" Opus provides a comprehensive set of commands that will let you perform most file management tasks without ever going near the configuration.
  • Efficiency:
  • Opus is designed to be as efficient as possible. The entire program makes use of multi-threading to ensure that you should never have to wait for one operation to complete before beginning another.
  • Compatibility:
  • As an Explorer replacement it's important that Opus appears (to the system) just like Explorer does. Within the limits set by Microsoft, Opus achieves this and most software written with only Explorer in mind will still work fine with Opus installed.

Where to buy?

Last updated price and discount information 7 years agoupdate now
$68.00Pro Single
$98.00Pro Dual
$188.00Pro Five

Directory Opus Screenshots

Directory Opus screenshot 1 Directory Opus screenshot 2 Directory Opus screenshot 3 Directory Opus screenshot 4 Directory Opus screenshot 5 Directory Opus screenshot 6 Directory Opus screenshot 7 Directory Opus screenshot 8 Directory Opus screenshot 9 Directory Opus screenshot 10 Directory Opus screenshot 11 Directory Opus screenshot 12 Directory Opus screenshot 13 Directory Opus screenshot 14 Directory Opus screenshot 15 Directory Opus screenshot 16 Directory Opus screenshot 17 Directory Opus screenshot 18 Directory Opus screenshot 19 Directory Opus screenshot 20 Directory Opus screenshot 21 Directory Opus screenshot 22 Directory Opus screenshot 23 Directory Opus screenshot 24 Directory Opus screenshot 25 Directory Opus screenshot 26 Directory Opus screenshot 27 Directory Opus screenshot 28 Directory Opus screenshot 29 Directory Opus screenshot 30 Directory Opus screenshot 31 Directory Opus screenshot 32 Directory Opus screenshot 33 Directory Opus screenshot 34 Directory Opus screenshot 35 Directory Opus screenshot 36 Directory Opus screenshot 37 Directory Opus screenshot 38 Directory Opus screenshot 39 Directory Opus screenshot 40 Directory Opus screenshot 41 Directory Opus screenshot 42 Directory Opus screenshot 43 Directory Opus screenshot 44 Directory Opus screenshot 45 Directory Opus screenshot 46 Directory Opus screenshot 47 Directory Opus screenshot 48 Directory Opus screenshot 49 Directory Opus screenshot 50 Directory Opus screenshot 51 Directory Opus screenshot 52 Directory Opus screenshot 53 Directory Opus screenshot 54 Directory Opus screenshot 55 Directory Opus screenshot 56 Directory Opus screenshot 57 Directory Opus screenshot 58 Directory Opus screenshot 59 Directory Opus screenshot 60
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